During a recent photographic assignment in Los Angeles, Alex took some time to travel to an area of Southern California known as The Salton Sea to undertake this personal body of work. It's an amazing place that has been largely abandoned and forgotten but started life very differently and as a result was once a very glamorous holiday resort frequented by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and the like. The Salton Sea was formed when the Colorado River burst its banks and water flowed directly into The Salton Valley below the result was unexpected and as the valley filled it became California's largest body of water. By the 1960's The Salton Sea was developing into a high end holiday destination but well into its development disaster struck. As the Sea was landlocked the water slowly began to die and with it the area's appeal stopped. The Marinas and Motels were quickly abandoned and became derelict as you can see in this body of work. It's an amazing place with an all too colourful, but brief, history. Click on the thumbnail below to view the entire project.